Geneva: India slams Pakistan for sheltering terrorists

Mar 14, 2019

Geneva (Switzerland), Mar 13 (ANI): The ongoing 40th session of UN Human Rights Council, Mini Kumam, and First Secretary Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations said, “We deeply regret Pakistan’s misuse of the Council for its ritual of raking up malicious propaganda against India. India strongly rejects any attempt to revive the so called motivated report of the OHCHR that reflected individual malice and prejudice. The matters that need to be addressed are Pakistan's illegal occupation of a part of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir and the continued suffering of the people of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir who are victims of sectarian conflict, systemic army persecution, violence, terrorism, extreme economic hardships, discriminatory policies and denial of even basic rights. Pakistan is known to the international community for its acts of aggression, harbouring safe havens for terrorists, military courts trying civilians, harassment of minorities through blasphemy law, forced conversions and marriages of minorities, suppression of political dissidents and legitimate criticism in Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, mass cases of enforced disappearances in north western Pakistan, state-sponsored extreme prejudices, religious intolerance and attacks on Muslim minorities, such as Shias, Ahmadiyas, Ismailia and Hazaras. Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India. Pakistan wrecked the UN resolutions by violating its own obligations to first vacate the territories under its control. Pakistan is reminded again that the principle of self-determination is applicable to colonial territories and can’t be misused as an instrument to erode territorial integrity and sovereignty of any member state. Pakistan's continued support to cross border terrorism is the main challenge to protecting the human rights of our citizens in the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir. The confirmation of using UN proscribed terror organization, Jaish-e-Mohammad as an instrument of state policy by Pakistani military or political leadership is already in public domain. Pakistan’s former National Security Advisor Durrani, Former Army Chief and then President of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf had already admitted Pakistani complicity in creating disturbances in the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir. General Pervez Musharraf has admitted this month that Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar carried out terror attacks in India on the instructions of the Inter-services Intelligence of Pakistan. Its current Foreign Minister has reaffirmed the presence of Jaish-e-Mohammed chief in its soil. Pakistan’s sham democracy, rule of law and human rights has been witnessed by the international community. Pakistan would do well to introspect to reform its so called democratic institutions and eliminate the deep states.